Life in Blue
project looks at leisure-time activities carried out for decades by groups of people on the banks of that reservoir in the southeastern tip of the Czech Republic, in a specific enviroment, where they have decided to set up their second home with bizarre architectural artefacts or just came to spend their holiday in the local recreation facility of Merkur campsite..
For reasons that are unclear, this community of "former" caravan people gave up the freedom and liberty of movement, wandering and meandering – in other words, their original residence in a caravan on wheels – to become domesticated in a chosen location in southern Moravia.
What motivated these people to build their second home in an environment whose magic (with the exception of the constant fluidity of the water areas) exhausts itself during several moves, and with the high probability that it will be uninspiring as a location for an eco-colony? We could probably only get an accurate answer from an orthodox lover of fishing.
But what leads the other members of the community (husbands and wives, children, relatives, friends) or holidaymakers to voluntarily spend a weekend or even a year-round stay in this environment?
Is it the longing for meditation in the country?
What are the compensations for the inhabitant of this caravan ghetto or the uncozy campsite?
Is it the necessity of establishing informal contacts in a romantic environment? Perhaps here they are able to quench the desire for life in a community which the city can no longer offer.
The answer to the questions laid down could be given by the residents of these domestic caravans or holidaymakers, but the question is if they themselves know the answer to the question why.....?